
7 Things You Need To Know About Computer Room Air Handler (CRAH)


When it comes to maintaining a computer room, one of the essential components is the Computer Room Air Handler (CRAH). A CRAH is responsible for regulating the temperature and humidity in the computer room, ensuring that the delicate electronic equipment operates within a safe range. Here are seven things you need to know about computer room air handlers:


Computer Room Air Handler (CRAH) and Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. A CRAC unit provides both cooling and humidity control, while a CRAH unit only provides cooling. While both are important for regulating the temperature in a computer room, it’s vital to know which type of unit you have to ensure it has proper usage.

Capacity Planning

When selecting a CRAH or fan wall unit, it’s essential to consider the capacity needed to cool the computer room. It will depend on factors such as the size of the room, the number of servers and other equipment, and the heat generated by the equipment. You must choose a unit with enough capacity to cool the room without overworking the unit or using more energy.

Airflow and Pressure

Proper airflow and pressure are critical for the effective operation of a CRAH unit. The unit must circulate air throughout the room while maintaining the perfect pressure level to prevent air from escaping. Properly positioned air ducts and vents and a well-designed floor plan ensures proper airflow and pressure.


A CRAH unit requires regular maintenance to operate effectively like any mechanical system. It may include changing filters, inspecting and cleaning the unit, and replacing worn or damaged parts. Regular maintenance can extend the unit’s lifespan, prevent breakdowns, and ensure precision cooling effectiveness.\

Maintaining CRAH (Computer Room Air Handler) units involves regular cleaning of coils, filters, and drip pans to prevent clogs that can reduce airflow and efficiency. It’s also essential to monitor refrigerant levels, inspect belts and motors, and check for leaks. Regular preventative maintenance can extend the unit’s lifespan and improve its overall performance.

Energy Efficiency

CRAH units can consume significant energy, which can add up quickly for a large data centre. So, choose an energy-efficient unit that will help control the energy cost. It may include features such as variable-speed fans, which adjust the unit’s output based on the cooling needs, and high-efficiency compressors, which use less energy to cool the air.

Environmental Monitoring

Because CRAH units are critical for maintaining the optimal operating conditions in a computer room, it’s important to have environmental monitoring in place. It may include temperature and humidity sensors and alarms that will alert staff if the conditions in the room fall outside of safe levels. It can help to prevent downtime and protect expensive equipment from damage.

Professional Installation

Finally, it’s essential to have a CRAH or fan wall unit professionally installed. It will ensure that the AC unit is positioned or configured and integrated with the existing infrastructure in the computer room. A professional installer can guide capacity planning, energy efficiency, and other critical factors that impact the unit’s performance.

In conclusion, a properly functioning CRAH unit is critical for maintaining a safe and effective computer room. By understanding the key factors in selecting and maintaining a CRAH unit, you can ensure that your computer room remains cool and well-ventilated, protecting your equipment and minimising downtime. Suppose you need assistance with selecting, installing, or maintaining a CRAH unit. Partner with a professional to learn more about our services and solutions.

Are you ready to optimise the performance of your computer room? Contact Canatec today to learn more about our CRAH installation and maintenance services. Their team of experts can help you choose the right unit, and ensure proper installation.

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