
6 Reasons Why Your Car Insurance Claim May Get Rejected


A third-party car insurance policy is mandatory as per the Indian law. However, a car insurance policy is only helpful only when one knows how to file a claim correctly. People tend to get excited and file their claims in a hurry but end up making mistakes during the car insurance claim process.

What people might not realize is that even one mistake in the claim filing process can cause your claim to get rejected. To guide you, here is a list of things you need to check to avoid claim rejection:

  1. Choose your insurance company wisely

Before you buy an insurance policy, always make sure that you check the claim settlement ratio of your insurer. Always look for a car insurance company that provides you with high claim settlement ratios as well as quick settlement process. If you don’t do so, it can lead to claim rejection. Therefore, always select your car insurance policy after considering every important aspect.

  1. Do not drink and drive

Drinking and driving is illegal and can be a cause of claim rejection. Avoid driving your car under the influence of any drug. Apart from this, your claim can get rejected if you do not follow the traffic rules correctly.

  1. Stay where you are

Another wrong move people make is running away from the accident scene. In fact, you’re not supposed to move any vehicles involved in the accident from the scene as it would make you look suspicious. To avoid any trouble, the best you could do is run to the nearest police station and file an FIR (if needed).

  1. Complete all the formalities on time

Do not skip post-accidental formalities or even time limits in which the claims are supposed to be filled. This can lead to claim rejection. Collect all the necessary documents and file a convincing claim correctly.

  1. Remain calm

The last thing you must do is panic under such circumstances; if you do so, you end up making mistakes while filing the insurance claim. Avoid stressing and stay relaxed for your mind to work best. A calm mind will help you take wise decisions.

  1. Notify the police immediately

At times, the other party might want a mutual settlement and not involve the police. But remember to never do that. Always contact the police. It is illegal to not do so.

The process of filing claim can look tedious, but if you do it carefully keeping all the above-mentioned points in mind it won’t seem as difficult. Once your claim has been successfully passed, you can enjoy the compensation received. After all, people buy an insurance policy so that they receive the amount after filing a claim.

To make your job even more hassle-free, you can also buy motor insurance online in a few simple steps. Purchasing car insurance online has several benefits like you don’t have to pay anything to a middleman, you can do this sitting at home, you can compare various policies online in a few clicks, etc.

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