
The Ultimate Guide To Maintaining A Card Access System In Singapore


Did you recently purchase a new card access system in Singapore? Whether keyfobs, cards, fingerprints, voice recognition, biometrics, and others, one day, you will walk into your home, and these items may or may no longer work well. Try as you might, yet these accesses will never run. Your fingerprint won’t scan, and your voice won’t get recognised. What could possibly go wrong? Lack of maintenance.

A biometric door or card access system can significantly restrict anyone from wherever they should not be or go in, but without your help, these devices may stop working, too. You need the utmost maintenance to help keep your access control systems working well and lasting longer.

Here are the top five preventative maintenance tips and tricks for your card access system in Singapore.


Out-of-date software can be the worst and most critical flaw you may encounter with your card access system in Singapore. An outdated software can significantly affect its ability to report, sense, and monitor unauthorised admission. It may also have trouble communicating notifications and alerting you regarding unapproved accesses.


To maintain your card access system in Singapore, you should regularly inspect and clean every part of your device. Doing so can help ensure your component goes a long way and remains in its peak working condition. If the access control systems come from a third-party provider, consult your supplier and notify them if the device no longer functions properly.


Anyone who owns a biometric door access system may have experienced this: you try opening your door but cannot get through due to an error message. Card read error. Access denied. Electric locks like keyfobs, fingerprints, and the like may fail to work, read your card, or authorise access if uncleaned. If you want it to work well and read your authorisation, clean your device. When doing so, look for signs of debris or dust, and pay keen attention to these two.


If, by any chance, you have already replaced the batteries and checked the fuses, and your card access system in Singapore still does not work, what else could possibly be the cause? External issues. It could be water damage or other environmental factors. Water getting into the system can be the primary reason for expensive damage in the long run and may even result in malfunctioning. Some weather conditions can damage your device. Some of these include hail, heavy downpours, ice, or snow.


When getting a card access system in Singapore, it is crucial that you should schedule regular inspections. Contact your third-party provider to conduct frequent inspections, check-ups, and maintenance routines. These professionals can run proprietary tests, detect issues that would otherwise get unresolved and missed, recommend improvements, and upgrade your system to enhance its security needs.

From an HD camera, wireless monitoring, and access control system to a time attendance system in Singapore, you can get the best security and high-tech investments at Valsys Technologies.

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