
The Relevance of Integrated Logistics Support in the Contemporary Business


The ILS or integrated logistics support system is getting increasingly popular across almost all sectors including the business sector basically because its unique and high-performance components such as appropriate and unique customer service, proper inventory management, safe and secured transportation, appropriate handling of materials and storage, processing of information, forecasting demand, production planning and purchasing, and facility location. The basic point about ILS is that any organization whether manufacturers, or for-profit non-profit organization, or service providers and in particular the service providers of ILS such as Sonovision integrated logistics support can be unbeatable and uncompetitive to their competitors by integrating ILS and ensuring customer-focussed systems of logistics.

Besides the above mentioned unique components of ILS, other activities of an organisation may include components such as after-sales services support and maintenance, handling and recycling operations of returned goods etc. However, an organization may not probably require all these components and tasks to be performed at one transaction for its all transactions depending upon its nature of operations. For example, an airline service may necessarily require components such as processing of information, forecasting of demand and maintenance, customer service etc. On the other hand, a consumer goods manufacturer may prioritise transportation, storage and inventory management, packaging and handling of materials as well as customer service.

The fundamental factor to tie all the activities and tasks in along with logistics and customer service in eventually customer satisfaction. In this context, one can never argue that production is less important or subordinate to logistics, rather the logistics should be utilized to integrate all other activities and corporate operations focussing the customers instead of internal processes. The customer service is rightly considered as a multi-dimensional and essential component of an organization. In fact, customer service leading to customer satisfaction is the ultimate output of logistics support. 

On the other hand, many businesses have a narrower functional perspective of customer service. For example, the customer service department with customer service employees in an organisation or business deal with handling complaints, damage claims, special orders, billing restraints, returns etc. and eventually considered as the organisation or get the impression that they are the business especially in the views of the customers or buyers. 

The inventory management in an organization manages to balance the cost of additional products maintenance against the risk of the lack of those products when the demand of those products is high. Eventually, this task at the inventory level has been lowered by many firms resulting in a more complex situation. The ultimate solution in this situation is to manage logistics to accommodate the lack of inventory in order not to suffer customer service. In other words, inventory management and logistics as a whole are still essential for customer satisfaction.

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